Package net.sf.ashkay.strategies

Class Summary
FullCachingStrategy FullCachingStrategy implements the CachingStrategy interface to provide a hard cache with no expiration.
LastModifiedCachingStrategy LastModifiedCachingStrategy attempts to locate a timestamped resource and check the last time that resource was modified.
NullCachingStrategy NullCachingStrategy prevents the cache from caching any data about the object
SoftReferenceCacheEntry SoftReferenceCacheEntry represents a cache entry that is wrapped in which the entry object is wrapped in a SoftReference in order to allow the garbage collector to still collect the object if all other hard references are destroyed.
SoftReferenceCachingStrategy A Soft Reference caching strategy uses soft references to store objects in the cache.
TimeExpirationCachingStrategy TimeExpirationCachingStrategy expires objects in the cache after a set amount of time.

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