Class LastModifiedCachingStrategy

  extended bynet.sf.ashkay.strategies.LastModifiedCachingStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LastModifiedCachingStrategy
extends java.lang.Object
implements CachingStrategy

LastModifiedCachingStrategy attempts to locate a timestamped resource and check the last time that resource was modified. This is a tricky thing to do, and thusly, at the current time, LastModifiedCachingStrategy only works with Files and URLs. Since we can't guarantee the entry value will remain around, LastModifiedCachingStrategy only works with the entry key as well. So, LastModifiedCachingStrategy will work if you are looking up an object from the cache based on a file name or url key. It will work with keys that are of type, and java.lang.String. If the key is a string, LastModifiedCachingStrategy will try to turn it first into a File and if that fails, a URL. Obviously, for URLs, your stuff needs to be working (ie. the network is connected).

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 CacheEntry prepare(CacheEntry entry)
          Prepares the cache entry for caching with this strategy.
NOTE: Be Careful: a caching strategy is allowed to return a different CacheEntry, so make sure that you store the results of this method and don't assume the symantics of pass by reference.
 boolean validate(CacheEntry entry)
          Validates this cache entry for this caching strategy.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LastModifiedCachingStrategy()
Method Detail


public CacheEntry prepare(CacheEntry entry)
Prepares the cache entry for caching with this strategy.
NOTE: Be Careful: a caching strategy is allowed to return a different CacheEntry, so make sure that you store the results of this method and don't assume the symantics of pass by reference.

Specified by:
prepare in interface CachingStrategy


public boolean validate(CacheEntry entry)
Validates this cache entry for this caching strategy.

Specified by:
validate in interface CachingStrategy

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